It would be helpful to have list of terms I used for anyone who is unfamiliar with them so I don’t need to define them in every post I use them in.
Redgelord – A person who supports “red” political ideology sincerely as a way of being edgy. The two main forms are Communism and any variation of Republicanism, conservatism, or libertarianism.
Kekistan – This fictional country was created by Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin as an ethnostate for centrists as a way of triggering the left and right. The national flag is a green version of the Nazi military flag, but it’s cool because Nazis would be super offended by closet liberals appropriating their symbols. Normies don’t understand any of this and all they see are weirdos who got lost from their moms’ basement carrying Nazi flags.
Redpill – When someone takes the red pill, they undergo a radical change and see things for how they really are. In many cases it’s a pseudo-intellectual term used by people who just went into a different alternate reality where they feel superior and are likely redgelords. It’s a reference to a movie where taking the red pill was an allegory to coming out as transgender.
Meninist, Men’s rights, MGTOW, manosphere – These terms all refer to groups of immature boys who believe conspiracy theories about men being under attack from evil feminists and SJWs. While men are under attack from some of the more unhinged versions of feminism, meninists are simply beta male counterparts to feminists who are just angry and hate women. Horseshoe theory is garbage, but the similarities between feminists and meninist beta males are remarkable.