I started watching part of his video about Battlefield V to see how incredibly cringeworthy it would be. I only watched part of it because I don’t feel like listening to an angry virgin rant about something no reasonable person cares about. His incredibly strained, uptight and stressed voice gives away the obvious fact that he’s never so much as even touched a girl, if his hatred of women wasn’t enough to give it away. Rags seems to have very effeminate speech patterns that are common among boys who live with their parents, which make it all the more ironic when he goes off calling people cucks. Look in the fucking mirror dude. There’s a sample subject that feminist and SJW feminization of boys is creating a pandemic of whiny incels. That should be proof I’m not an SJW because I realize I’m sharing a viewpoint with them here.
The part that really stood out as showing how un-self aware Rags is was when he ranted at the “inaccuracy” of including women in World War II. It’s not inaccurate but depending on the situation he has a point. I will admit that I do find the inclusion of white women in World War II games to be very off-putting and it does break immersion, sometimes more then other things. Slavic women are technically white but it’s not like anyone really cared about that, especially during World War II. Rags couldn’t be satisfied with his first complaint and had to drive on stating that previous World War II and World War I games were historically accurate and included an example that is so objectively wrong that he is either dishonest, mentally ill or doesn’t even play these games. He tried to say World War II games don’t include holographic sights when Call of Duty World War II in 2017 included sights that are functionally identical and Battlefield 1 in 2016 included functionally similar sights in World War I. As for his claim about historical accuracy, Battlefield 1 includes late war and experimental sub machine guns as entry level weapons that are available to every player and covers the battlefields of Europe with fully semi automatic rifles. Battlefield 1942 included German soldiers running around Britain with StG-44s in 1940. If that isn’t a giant fuck you to immersion and historical accuracy then I don’t know what should qualify.
One last blow to the arguments of shrieking neckbeards was the game Silent Storm from 2003. It allowed the player to create a female character from any country and included female NPCs that could be added to the player’s squad. I originally only used men and Soviet women in my squad for muh immersion but after I saw other immersion breaking characteristics of the game I stopped caring as much. At one point I was equipping my Soviet female character with a silenced sub machine gun and she said “I bet you are giving me this because I am a woman.” I laughed and then realized what would happen if they made a game like this today. If an incel had a female character say that to them, it would trigger them worse then SJWs when Trump was elected. Back in 2003, there wasn’t this level of outrage over wimminz in video games. Only a year later Call of Duty included a playable female character in their campaign, and no one freaked out. Of course, it was in the Soviet Union and it made sense.
I don’t even like SJWs but I still recognize this bullshit for what it is. I understand what makes the regressive left regressive, and it is because of their tone, accusations and how they force things on people. At the same time, people do want to be progressive and include women in games because it’s popular right now. Most people can put that in perspective and no one is forcing incel soyboys to play video games they don’t like. It is honestly jarring to see non Soviet women in a World War II game, and it does break immersion more then technical inconsistencies like the time period a map takes place in and the weapons that are available. It’s not a huge problem either and I was able to adapt when Call of Duty World at War allowed the Japanese to use Soviet weapons because the classes weren’t specific to each country. My honest opinion is that non Soviet women don’t belong in World War II games. However, I can articulate that clearly and it’s not just a manifestation of latent sexism. I can also put it in perspective and I understand why some games allow women from all countries. In Call of Duty World War II it’s because the character you create is used regardless of what country you play as. Even if one were to make a female Red Army soldier, that same character would be used in every army in the game. The level of outrage and incoherence that these nerds get themselves to is proof of their true feelings.