A lot of people on the right and alienated people on the left like to complain about how burdensome political correctness is and sometimes even brag about how politically incorrect they are. Defenders of the regressive left like to point out that political correctness is simply about being polite. As far as politeness and reasonable sensitivity go, I’m in agreement with political correctness. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop there. Political correctness is an anti-American shit show that aims to control people and override common sense. That’s why political correctness is so hated. Like communism, it calls for a a good system that helps people but collapses into tyranny when it actually gets implemented.
Even with so much open hatred of political correctness, it can still be found in the strongly politically incorrect. If you take the lower pictured, you can see that the full auto position says “full libturd.” One day that lower is going to create a Mandela Effect where tons of people remember it saying “full libtard.” No one actually says “libturd,” or at least it’s very rare and they’re probably avoiding “libtard,” which is the common expression. This is a perfect example of political correctness among the politically correct. Even when Spikes Tactical is expressing contempt for the regressive left and political correctness, they’re doing it in a way that’s politically correct to avoid offending retarded people. That’s strong irony.