Being a Slav is a good experience for what it’s like to be black. It’s usually a reminder of what it’s like to experience frequent racism, but now I’m learning what it’s like to be part of a marginalized group and constantly SJWs virtue signal and get triggered over stupid shit on your behalf that does nothing but make a mockery out of legitimate problems. I went through the same experience that black people go through when they have to watch SJWs virtue signal and reduce serious issues to a punchline during the incident with Count Dankula. I probably wouldn’t be associated with someone who is an edgelord, but I’m not offended by someone making jokes about the Holocaust.
I found this meme that shows a Nazi turning on a gas chamber with a transparent window in the door where meme creators inserts a character from whatever group they hate. A very rough estimate of 35 million Slavs were murdered by the Nazis, yet I’m not triggered by this meme. These fuckers need to lighten up. Stop getting offended on behalf of other races because they don’t need you to speak for them and you’re the one who is being racist by treating other racists like snowflakes.